Tenacious grandmothers | Stories centering older women

One of my favorite things about The Innis Forgettance are the older women.

Sure, the protagonist may be 17-year-old Porter Hollis, but Porter (and the story as a whole) is carried by dynamic—and may I even suggest ferocious—older women. Between the grandmothers, the great aunt, and the town’s oldest midwife… I absolutely love this story’s complex and powerful older women characters. This happened organically, as my stories always do; the characters come alive and tell me who they are, not the other way around. And in my opinion, we need more stories that center grandmothers and older women, showing them as the powerful, complicated humans they are.

Although The Innis Forgettance features compelling teen characters—never, ever underestimate the grandmothers.


We have a launch date!


‘The Innis Forgettance’ - coming September 2022! │Spooky fiction podcast