‘The Innis Forgettance’ - coming September 2022! │Spooky fiction podcast

I’m so excited to announce that The Innis Forgettance, a folk fantasy, will be coming to you in podcast form!

Not only have I written the story as a novel (to be released eventually!), I have—since February—been narrating and producing the entire thing (well, except for the special appearance from my friend David that I’m very excited about).

The Innis Forgettance takes place in a remote mountain village. It straddles timelines set in 18th-century alternate-Appalachia and a faraway Celtic fort. If you are looking for a spooky fiction podcast for Halloween, and love haunted Appalachia, you will love the vibe I’ve got for you.

You won’t want to miss it! Be sure to know when new episodes come by subscribing to the podcast on Spotify, Google, Apple, and Amazon! You can listen to the trailer (and maybe buy me a coffee) here.


Tenacious grandmothers | Stories centering older women


My alternate-Appalachia novel is becoming a fiction podcast! │ Local Georgia author