What is a death doula?

A death doula, death midwife, death companion, or soul midwife provides non-medical support for those who are dying and their caregivers.

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Why hire an end-of-life doula when hospice is available?

Hospice provides medical care and support. Death doulas do not.
By working with both hospice and a death doula, families experience comprehensive, holistic care.

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What is it like to have a death doula?

You will have a guide through what are often, for many families, the uncharted waters of death and grief. Every family has unique needs; end-of-life care is not cookie-cutter.

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Where can death doulas serve?

Death doulas can provide support in many places. Home is often where they serve. COVID protocol may affect where an end-of-life companion may serve. In cases where in-person support is limited or unavailable, death doulas often offer virtual support.

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When should I hire a death doula?

You may hire a death doula anytime! Even if you are not terminally ill, a doula can help you with advance planning. Many people hire a death doula when a terminal diagnosis is reached, but many may also seek a doula’s assistance even as far into the dying process as weeks or even days from death.

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How are death doulas certified?

Currently, there is no over-arching entity that certifies death doulas, although individual programs offer their own certifications through their training programs.
I was trained by death midwife and activist Narinder Elizabeth Bazen through her Nine Keys Death Midwifery Apprenticeship.

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