What is a death doula? │Georgia Death Doula

Death doulas go by many names. Whether they identify as end-of-life doula, death midwife, death companion, or soul midwife, we all have one thing in common: We provide non-medical support for those who are dying and their caregivers. We work in tandem with hospice to provide holistic support.

This can take many forms, depending on the desires of the client. Some families primarily need assistance with the overwhelming pragmatic matters, like phone calls, paperwork, organization, and keeping track of medication schedules. Other families desire legacy work (I call it Storykeeping), emotional connection, assistance with creating safe, sacred space, and vigil design.

I can help you with both.

Together, we can create a calming, sacred environment for your loved one, and I can help you with ritual and vigil design. I am available to you to answer your questions (“Should my dying loved one drink or eat?”) and provide guidance regarding the death and dying process. Caregiver burnout is prevalent and isolating; I am here to support you by staying with your loved one while you rest, assisting with logistics that feel overwhelming to you, and guiding you through funeral and burial options. And, perhaps most of all, to listen to your heart.

With empathy, intuition, and their study of the death and dying process, death doulas support caregivers and guide loved ones through a holistic and compassionate dying experience. Feel free to reach out to me with any questions about your specific needs.


Do I need a death doula if my loved one is on hospice? │ Woodstock Death Doula